Just to recap:
AJ - You have to upload your work more, I have seen stuff that could be uploaded now and you should do it as regularly as possible! You haave left: Buildings, Cars, Tanks & Street/Landscape.
Alex - You are working on the lab, I understand you have to redesign it. Once you have something to upload do it, maybe at the end of the day?
Zakki - The bunny, I think with you its your own choice where to take things. You could develop it more, in terms of detail. You do have to alter the position of the arms and back. A higher detailed head also need to be designed/produced, which is for the last shot fo the bunny. It is also a good idea to look at the fur that you will be using, so you know of any bald spots and level of detail.
Me - I will be working on the generic characters though out the trailer. I have designed one, sketches will be up soon. I still have to design the generic male character and props for both. The scientist and a high detail hand of his. I have also been thinking about soldiers, do we think we should make one generic soldier perhaps to be running behind the tank and crouched in front of the bunny? comments on that would be kool.
As always comments on any of this will be good, and anything I may have missed.
If you struggle to upload to the blog, or find yourself forgetting about it make a post-it note and stick it on you monitor and take 15 minuets to upload at the end of you day. It really shouldn't be hard for us now.
Inspire Studios UK is a animation studio based in Medway, Kent. We work within the film industry, specialising in movie trailers and advertisement. We have a team of experts who have well crafted skills in 3D Modelling, Animation, Special Effects, Concept art and Charecter Design.If you wish to contact us our email is InspireStudiosUK@gmail.com. We also have a Facebook page where you can find out about all news and features as they happen.
Outcome of meeting, 10/12/10.
Meeting on Friday 10th December.
Can all attend a meeting on Friday at 1PM to discuss work that has been done and the work to be done over the holidays. I need everyone to bring any work you have done, just scan in or take screenshots of any work, it is essential.
Updates to Jobs
Well it has been a while since this blog has seen any action so I think its time to knock things back into place and get the gears moving again.
I hope everyone has done some for of work for this, I have seen some evidence but not enough. I need you guys to upload some work, relevant, going to be changed, WIP, whatever! Because its time for some new material to start being produced, we are falling behind, so I feel, as a group.
Firstly Alex, I know you have been working on the inside of the lab, I know where you are and what direction you are heading and its working well. Keep it up and keep the world posted on your status.
AJ the building concepts were really working, I think you stopped at one point to get on with character, so its time to bring that back up and work on some more buildings, but you also need to get some maya stuff going. I would like you to start on the tank, I think it will be good for you and all of us to get and example of the gritty, rusty world that this is threw the force of the military.
Zakki, you have been quite distant. We have got a good style from you which has help drive us more than I think you realise? Anyway, I'm sure you have been working on the Rabbit in Maya, if you haven't could you start, think details and a get it ready to be rigged, that's the next stage for you!
I will be working on some characters to fill in space on the town, give it some life. They will be terribly simple yet dressed in lovely summer dresses and checked shirts and shorts!
I know there is a essay to be handed in soon but this project is not going to be put on hold anymore! Its been a long while since I felt happy with the way things are going, I hope you all understand that feeling! Lets start to bring it together and make a kick-ass animation.
Keep your blog up-to-date with rich work for this project, I will be keening a keen eye on things.
Comments as always guys!!
PS Zak- What happened to your blog? need you new address please, Blogger home page doesn't automatic update!
concept, lampost,fruit crate.
Over the weekend I've done another concept, this one took absolutely ages, I tried to encorporate more detail and make sure that they give a clear message instead of previous ''mood drawings''. I looked at the photo above and took some ideas from it, such as the lampposts and signs sticking out of the buildings. Since we're modelling smaller things now, I made one of the lamposts and did some tests so that we can put spotlights in them and they'll light up, which was frustrating but turned out good. they could do with a 'dirt' texture map i think, but copying the pictures I made them dark grey so I don't know if dirt would be visible anyway. Ialso made a crate of apples for the shop in the middle of my concept, everythings grouped etc so colours can be changed really easily.
Concept art / designs
Water Tower
One of my models finished and textured.
Maya Jobs
Today it became apparent to us that we have some time on our hands as we are waiting for work from other studio members. So we have some roles which will consist of creating generic models in maya for the town scenes and laboratory scene.
Firstly we have the town:
- 3 Generic town buildings (high poly)
(These need to be altered once created to become broken/destroyed.) - 3 Broken Buildings (high poly)
- 1 Generic building altered into shop front (high poly)
- Block of flats (low poly)
- Lamp post
- Fire hydrant
- Newspaper stand
- Post box
- Parking metres
- Road Signs
- Water Tower (low poly)
We also need to alter the road and pavements to become destroyed and cracked, but this will be easier to do once all of the towns buildings are created and a map is formed.
- Metal supporting beams
- 1960s Computers
- Power cables
- Electricity box
- Flasks
- Test tubes + holder
- Bunsen burner
- Generic chemistry set
- Syringe
- Microscope
- Ventilation (boxes)
- Electrical apparatus
I think the best way to assign jobs is let people decide what they want to do. If you comment on this post and we can green light it.
An important factory before you model is Reference! Before you make a single poly please reference/research. Don't forget where we are heading and what time period we are in, this is quite key!
Monday: 12:00 - 16:00(17:00). Work progress, futher discussion and work distribution.
Wednesday: 14:00 - 16:00. General discussions.
To all: Be on time and prepared.
Labels: Timetable
Vechile Concepts
These are the different vechile concepts that i have come up with, however they do require a lot more refining and tunning but for a b movie they should do fine. However these took just way to long to shadow and colour in as it was hard to do it in black and white. Let me know what you guys think? However some of the concepts were a bit rushed too.